I had intended to do a weekly update, but time seems to have gotten away from me! The last time I posted was just before leaving for San Diego, and a lot has happened since then. So bear with me for a long entry!
One of the main reasons I haven't posted anything was because we had a bit of a scare, and I didn't want to be too dramatic about things when we didn't have any definitive answers. Shortly after arriving in San Diego, I got a call from my doctor who said I tested what technically constitutes as positive for Downs Syndrome. However, the "positive" result was for a 1 in 126 chance, (1 in 600-something is normal) and they wanted me to come in for the MaterniT 21 test, a new but far more conclusive test. But being in San Diego meant I had to jump through a ton of hoops to find someone to test me. And that meant a couple weeks of waiting with some serious anxiety for paperwork to be snail-mailed to me and then given to the testing lab and then sent with my blood test to the lab that performs the test before eventually being sent back to my doctor in Chicago with the results. Phew! Although we would (of course) love our child whether they were born with a developmental disease or not, I am very happy to say that the test came out clear and our baby does not have Downs Syndrome, and from what they can tell at this stage is completely mentally healthy. We are so happy!
As for much lighter news, our little man has started kicking up a storm! I'm in my 20th week now, (half-way there!) and he seems to be right on track. It's such a crazy feeling to physically feel another little person inside my belly. This started about a week and a half ago, and at first it was just these little fluttery feelings that were pretty unmistakable. But it wasn't anything that could be felt outside by someone else. Then as of Saturday he's started dancing away to the point of visibly being able to see him and feel him! It's SO exciting. I can't wait until Philip gets to San Diego so he can feel his baby kick! And my belly has REALLY started to look like a real preggers belly, not just like I'm ambiguously bloated. This one is from last week, and I think I may be a bit bigger now!

This past weekend, we traveled up to the Bay Area for my sister-in-law Masha's bridal shower. (Helping Masha with her wedding is why I've been in San Diego all this time. She get's married in less than two weeks, on July 22nd!) The shower turned out wonderfully, with a seriously gorgeous cake and probably some of the most amazing cookies I have ever seen. (made by the supremely talented sister-in-law Sophia! Here's her
cake shop with pics of the cake and cookies.) Sophia and Masha's sisters did a fantastic job with what turned out to be a really lovely shower. It was so nice to see the family and so much love and support for Masha!
Masha and I came up a few days early to be able to visit with some of our friends in the area that we so rarely get to see. And lucky me, I also got a mini-shower with my friends! Because I'm flying back and can't exactly carry a ton, it was a "onesie" shower and I was showered with lots of super adorable clothes. And Sophia also gave me an entire box of clothes from her boys. I LOVE hand-me downs. Here's a quick glimpse at the adorable-ness they all sent me home with. I put some of my favorites on the top of the piles (assorted to size!) but it was so hard to choose!
There's also handmade burp cloths and a swaddle blanket in the picture, of course made by Sophia! And they perfectly match the decor I want for our nursery. Check out her
etsy shop! I'm so lucky to be related and get this stuff for free.
Philip and my mom are painting the baby's room this weekend while I am gone so I won't have to inhale the paint fumes. It's going to be a soft popcorn yellow with white furniture. I can't wait to get back and start putting the room together! As I've said before, we're doing a hobbit themed nursery, and I've already made the crib quilt, curtains and a toy box from the palette of fabrics I've picked out. I got them all from Jo-Anns, and I'll be doing much of the nursery handmade with these fabrics.
I'm tempted to add the fabric Sophia made the burp cloths out of because I love it so much. We shall see! Even though I can't do much while I'm here in SD, I did finish the design for the wallpaper border that I'm going to print out and put around the room on removable wallpaper. The artwork is both Tolkien and Pauline Baynes. The borders are Tolkien's art for the original cover of
The Hobbit, and the artwork is from Baynes' abbreviated version of The Hobbit. Pauline Baynes was one of Tolkien's favorite artists. You might also recognize her as the original artist for the Narnia books.
There are thirteen segments, (26 pictures) and the pictures tell the story of The Hobbit. I really love the way this turned out and I hope it prints out the way I hope it will!
That's all for now, but I'm sure it's plenty! I probably wont be able to update again until I'm back in Chicago, as the next two weeks are going to be super busy with the wedding and traveling. But I'll be sure to update again when there is more to tell!