This post is all about being sick, and how pregnancy is not the wonderful "look how she's glowing" wonder-fest that I thought it would be. So skip this one if you only want happy news!
Being pregnant is amazing. Truly, the idea of having a life growing inside of you is mind-blowing, and so very exciting. However, having this other life grow inside of you and throw your entire body out of whack is also AWFUL.
Everyone hears about morning sickness, and to me I guess I always just assumed it would be a slight feeling of nausea that might make you puke once and then the rest of your day would be fine. Yeah, NO. First of all, it's definitely not just the morning. It's ALL DAY. Mornings seem to be the worst for me, as so far I've thrown up every morning this week, but that feeling does NOT subside. It lasts all day long. And I seem to be managing to keep my food down by will power alone until about 6 or 7pm when it might come back again. Yay.
Then there's the things people don't really tell you about. Exhaustion. Constipation. Dizziness. Heartburn. Extreme smells. Pregnancy brain. Pain in your abdomen and back from everything adjusting in there, from the stretching out of your hips to the expansion of your uterus making you have to pee every five minutes. Not to mention the psychotic freak-outs and emotional swings that come from an extremely imbalanced hormonal system. Seriously, pregnancy sucks.
I am thanking God everyday that I am in my off-season right now. How do working women do it? How do women with kids already get through their first trimester? All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep all day, rolling over just to puke in a trash can and eat a cracker or drink some water. I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to stand for fear of getting dizzy and falling over or projectile vomiting across the room. I seriously feel sorry for any woman who has to plow through a work day or carry a two year old around while they go through this. I suppose if you can make it through the first trimester, you can do anything!!
They say that this ends for most women sometime into the second trimester, usually between 12 and 16 weeks. I am counting down the days. 34 days from now until that blessed second trimester begins. And until then I just have to keep my mantra of "This is worth it. This is worth it." going through my head because the end result will hopefully be a beautiful little child and yes, that is definitely worth it. :)
I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this, but hopefully you are starting to feel a little better. Sounds like no fun attall but TOTES worth it! I cant wait to be an Auntie again!!! WOOT
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Pregnancy totally SUCKS! I worked at an attorney's office on the 22nd floor for my first trimester and the beginning of my second trimester... Did I mention that the building swayed? Yeah, you could actually FEEL the building sway (for structural integrity reasons) which didn't translate well for a nauseas pregnant lady... yuck.
ReplyDeleteIt gets better. Well, at least the vomiting part does... look forward to other "fun" prego moments as things progress ;) Not sure why, but orange soda helped me feel better (probably just a comfort thing). Find whatever it is that helps and stick to that until the worst is over.
As for exhaustion, get used to it. Haha. Honestly though, it's rough not sleeping and having a hard time getting comfortable. Invest in a body pillow and sleep with a flat one under your growing baby bump, the support makes a big difference. Also try to sleep on your left side, it's healthier for you and baby (There's a major vane that runs down your right side that supplies blood to your lower body which gets pinched from baby weight if you sleep on the right side or your back).
Honestly though, once you're a little more over the sickness part, sleep as much as possible! Once that little munchkin comes around you'll wish for the days when you could sleep on your own schedule. Awe, sleep... How I miss thee. Lol.
<3 Nae Nae