Time for bed rest. :(

Turns out they mean it when they say to try not to be too active during your pregnancy!

After a long day of Vacation Church School, taking Ratbear to the vet, meeting up with Linden for a Chicago Opera Playhouse "business meeting" and then a lovely dinner date with my husband, I suddenly got a really strange pain on the lower right side of my abdomen. It was a kind of pain that made me feel like if I didn't sit or lie down ASAP my body might give out and make me do it anyway. Yikes! Needless to say, this scared the living daylights out of me. As soon as we got home I called the on-call doctor at my doc's office and she said to essentially sleep on it and call my doctor if I still had pain in the morning.

Well, the pain hadn't gone away this morning, so as soon as the office opened I gave my OB a call. She thinks I pulled one of my round ligaments (they are the muscles that support the uterus) and has put me on partial bed rest for the weekend. The good news is that this doesn't affect the baby- he's still happy and kicking away like crazy. I swear it's becoming non-stop lately! This only affects me, and means that if I don't watch myself I'm in a lot of pain. Yay. It's funny, because it's not like I was being super active- just walking around and standing for long periods of time, but apparently that's enough to cause problems! I'm glad it's just for the weekend though. :) And if it persists or gets worse I have to go in right away, but she seemed pretty confidant that things would resolve themselves with just a few days of rest.

So that means the rest of my week and my weekend will now consist of lying down in bed as much as possible and as many fluids as I can handle. I'm sad to be missing the rest of VCS, but at least I haven't started back at work yet and hadn't made too many plans. But if anyone feels like calling or visiting I'd love a break from the boredom!


  1. Goll, you're so lazy.
    I'm just glad you finally have a decent excuse :) HAHAHA!
    Seriously though, baby is your #1 job right now so taking it easy is awesome. Start reading to him in the mean time and you'll both be happy and less bored :)

  2. Those kids! Nothin but trouble, I tell ya! Put your feet up, eat some ice cream, hug your hubby and enjoy your rest. Can't wait to see you next weekend. Hope you feel better soon, my sweet niece! Hugs to Philip and Ratbear! (Auntie Ina loves her new kitten, Shelby. Actually, it follows Uncle Ken all over the place! So sweet.) We're going to a wedding reception this weekend.(I'm Corrina's date-tee hee) Mary's brother, Rick, his daughter married a guy from Ireland. They got married in Ireland and Rick flew 17 members of his family over there! $$$$ They just got back yesterday. So, another reception here Saturday. Flew his Mom back too from Ireland. Should be fun. Ben and Mary are doing a brunch Sunday at Uncle Ben's house. It stinks we're all so far apart sometimes. Just know I think of you and love you bunches!! Auntie Shamtie
