15 weeks!

Time seems to be going by so slowly! I can't wait for this little one to come. I THINK (hope/pray) that I'm done with puking. I've had some very good days, and although I think I'm going to be one of those that is nauseated for the entirety of my pregnancy, things are looking much better. I've found that as long as I eat every two hours and sleep a minimum of nine hours, things are good!

Baby is apple sized and growing fast! My belly is growing too...

Not much else new to report- our anatomy scan is only 2 weeks away! I can't wait!

14 weeks!

Baby is about 3.5 inches long now, about the size of a lemon. :) I don't have another appointment soon, so we won't get to see him/her again on an ultrasound until June 12, (our anniversary!) when they'll do the anatomy scan.

As for me, I think I'm finally coming out of the first trimester woes! My energy has been up, and most importantly I've stopped puking multiple times a day. I've even been able to go without my nausea meds and be okay! The only thing I've found so far is that if I continue to sleep poorly, I'll have a really bad day and the nausea comes back. (although not as strong as it has been!) So I keeping up with the sleeping pills after attempting not to take one and having an awful day as a result. Things have been better for about 5 days now, so when I hit a full week of feeling better I'll officially consider myself done with morning sickness! yay!

I'm definitely looking pregnant these days, which I find to be a lot of fun. This picture was taken a week ago, and I feel even bigger now!

We also made our very first big baby purchase! I know it's still a bit early, but the stroller I wanted was on sale for about 30% off on amazon, so I took the opportunity to get it cheap while I could.  I did tons of research to settle on it. It folds up small and is pretty light weight, has a lot of storage space and it can also accommodate an infant seat for the early days. So much less bulky than the huge "travel systems" that I've always found to be a pain. This is it, except in green.
I'm glad we've decided to space some of our purchases out a bit. I don't think we'll be buying anything else anytime soon, although I'm still working on a few sewing projects for the baby. :)

That's it for now!

13 weeks!

Only 189 more days to go! While it kinda feels like this is going pretty quickly, it also feels like it's taking FOREVER! I've had morning sickness for two full months now, and I'm just waiting for it to finally subside. I had to go to the hospital again yesterday to get more fluids, but they gave me vitamin B12 and Unisom to take as well as the Zofran and so far today seems to be going pretty well. I was actually able to sleep last night!

I also feel like I've "popped," meaning my belly is really starting to look like a preggo belly and not just like I'm bloated. All of my weight seems to be going to my belly, which makes the rest of me look smaller! But I'm sure that is going to be changing very soon.

The baby is about 3 in. long now, about the size of a peach. :) It's so surreal to think that we were all so small at one time, and this baby could potentially grow from so tiny to be 6'8" like my dad! Grow baby, grow!

12 weeks today!

We've officially hit the twelve week mark and I'm finally starting my second trimester! It still feels like my first trimester, (still not doing so well) but the baby seems to be right on track and doing well, and of course the statistics for miscarriage have now gone down significantly. I had another appointment today and heard the heartbeat again and the doctor tested my levels to see if I needed another IV. My levels are still low, but since I've been taking the dissolving Zofran I've cut down on the vomiting 2-5 times a day to maybe once every other day. That's a good improvement in my opinion! So she said that unless I'm unable to keep down water or if I puke more than once a day, I should be okay without the IV. I even was able to do a little shopping and go out to dinner with Philip! So things are looking up, and hopefully this second trimester will get rid of this sickness for good! My next appointment is going to be on our anniversary, and it will be the big ultrasound appointment where we might find out the sex of the baby! I can't wait!

We're pregnant!


So we've decided to officially announce that we're pregnant! I've been keeping a blog since around the time I found out, and now I can officially publish it. So please scroll down and look at some of the posts from the past few weeks! I'm going to try and post any ultrasound pics, doctor visit updates and any other baby-related things we'll be encountering during this pregnancy. Thanks for visiting!

11 weeks today!


I had another appointment yesterday and the baby's doing great! It was amazing to see the little one doing flips and waving at me! Everything is checking out perfectly.
Seeing the baby move around like that really hit me (and my overactive emotions) and I almost started crying I was so excited. We've been trying for so long and hoping that this would finally happen and now it has! It's so amazing!

Although the baby's doing great, the little bean has been stealing all of my nutrients from me and making me super sick so the doctor sent me to get an IV and replenish my fluids. So I spent a long lovely day at the hospital with all sorts of needles and monitors hooked up to me so that I can hopefully start getting back to normal. I'm at the brink of the second trimester, which is when things are supposed to start easing up and most women lose the majority of their morning sickness and get a bit of a boost of energy. I am patiently waiting for that day to come! I'll see the doctor again next week to check my levels and see if I've gained any weight instead of losing it. They also gave me a couple more nausea meds to try, one of which is basically the same one as before except it dissolves in your mouth. The other one is completely different, but I won't be trying that unless the dissolving one doesn't seem to help. Here's to hoping!